nsmlibraryNov 30, 2022From the Director's DeskLooking for Library TrusteesDo you live in North Smithfield? Do you love your library? Consider becoming a library trustee! The Library Board of Trustees oversee the...
nsmlibraryNov 30, 2022Nature GardensFeederWatch Weeks 3&4We've seen some new birds at our feeders these last 2 weeks, and some long time visitors that have come back into the area. The dark-eyed...
nsmlibraryNov 30, 2022Teen RecommendationsTeen Recs: The Cousins by Karen McManusRecommended by Eva M. The Cousins by Karen M. McManus is a page-turning mystery novel that will have you hooked until the very end. Three...
nsmlibraryNov 16, 2022Nature GardensFeederWatch Weeks 1&2November 7th and 8th: 12 Species, 30 individuals: black-capped chickadee 5 house finch 3 tufted titmouse 2 american crow 1 blue jay 2...
nsmlibraryNov 16, 2022Teen RecommendationsTeen Recs: Realm Breaker by Victoria AveyardRecommended by Eva M. Realm Breaker is about a group of unexpected citizens from all over the world who have to join together to stop the...
nsmlibraryNov 4, 2022Families are ForeverHopefully one of the things you're thankful for this season is your family, even if they drive you crazy. Here's a list of books about...
nsmlibraryNov 4, 2022BooklistWhat are you thankful for?Here at the library, we're thankful for patron like you who keep visiting our library and checking out great books! And of course PIE! So...