More than just BOOKS
The library provides a variety of services beyond checking books in and out. Please take a look at the list of services we provide below.
Business Services

Fax Machine (out-going only) - $1 for the 1st pg $0.50 for each page after.
Printing - $0.20/pg for black and white, $0.25/pg for color. Cash required, though credit card can be taken for printing over $5.00. No wireless printing.
Copying - $0.20/pg for black and white, $0.25/pg for color. Cash required, though credit card can be taken for copying over $5.00.

Notary service is free at the library. Services are usually available on Mondays through Fridays. We ask that you please call ahead to make sure the notary is available. Remember you must bring the completed, unsigned document, a photo id (such as driver license or passport), and the person signing the document.
Exam Proctoring

Exam Proctoring is available by appointment. To schedule an exam please call the library at 401-767-2780, ask for Sue.
Library Reminders
The library system is set up to give you reminders about overdue items, items that have or have not been renewed, and when your requests have arrived. Generally you will receive these messages by phone or email. Now you may receive your reminders by text message in just 3 easy steps through Shoutbomb.
Click image above to find out more
Create Space

The Create Space has been equipped to encourage and support the creativity of adults, teens and children. Open hours are the 2nd Monday (10:30-11:30, 1:00-2:30) and 4th Thursday (6:00 pm-7:30 pm). Visit our events calendar to sign up. Staff will be available for assistance, but you should have a working knowledge of the equipment. There is a nominal charge for materials or you can supply your own. Classes occassionally will be offered for some of the equipment, please check the calendar or ask staff for dates and times. ​The space can also be booked by appointment, by calling 401-767-2780, ask for Sue.
Ocean State Libraries Mobile App

Find your entire families library cards at the tip of your finger. If your struggling to keep track on what is one your family's card, try this app. It will allow you to manage checkouts and holds, search catalog items and place holds, view upcoming events and access online learning and more. Just look for the Ocean State Libraries Mobile in your app store.
Quiet Study Room

Our quiet study room is used for study only, there is no talking allowed. The room is gauranteed for 1 hour, and is available on a first come first serve basis. The quiet study room holds up to 4 individuals at a time.
Helen C. Greenwood Community Room
Click the image above to fill out the Reservation Application
The Helen C. Greenwood Community Room is available primarily to support library programs and functions that further the mission of the library. When not being used by the library, the room is available for use by non-profit community groups and literacy volunteers, except between the hours of 12:00 - 1:30 and 5:00 - 6:00 daily. To see our Community Room Policy please click here. You may call the library, ask for Sue to make a room reservation or fill out the contact form below (subject Room Reservation).
Freegal Music+
Offering over 18 million songs belonging to 200+ genres -
including Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists -
Freegal Music+ is one of the most popular library services in
the world, and with 200,000 songs added monthly, there’s
always something new for listeners to discover. So what are you waiting for? All you need is your library card (and pin number) to join our 2.5 million+ users in browsing through our vast collection of today’s top hits, yesterday’s favorites, and curated playlists made just for you. (Access to Freegal is limited to North Smithfield Library patrons)
Click the picture above to learn how to install your freegal app.