If you don't have a library card, now is the time to get one. Have a library card, fantastic! Do you know what you can do with your library card?
Well, there are all kinds of things. Yes, your card will allow you to check out books, movies, magazines, things (like telescopes, portable dvd players, games), audio books and so much more, all at significant savings to you. Check out the bottom of our due date slip and see how much money you saved for that visit.
BUUUUUUT your library card will also give you access to great resources such as askRI, our online resource center. This gives you access to all types of information from medline (health resources) to tutor.com (homework help) to learning express for college prep to automotive repair, language learning, career training, community assistance and so much more. All thanks to your library card.
Your library card also gives you access to our digital collection of e-audio and e-books through libby, which is great for on the go readers, and even those with visual impairments. Don't forget that your North Smithfield Library card will give you access to our collection of digital moveable books through iVox, a unique reading experience for kids.
Your library card is also great if you are someone who can't get out much. The Library offers a homebound delivery program for library card holders and we'll bring books to you door (and pick them up for you). This way the library is always available to you.
Just imagine not accessing all this, just because you don't have a library card. Your library card is the smartest card you could own, so if you don't have one, stop by the library and get one. If you have one, what are you waiting for, start using yours today!