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Need to Know..... is a collection of informational, educational and recreational databases provided by the RI

Office of Library and Information Services. One section, EBSCOhost, covers several areas of interest.

Need to know how to replace the CV AXLE SHAFT on your 1997 Chevy Malibu? Auto Repair Source will

guide you. Overwhelmed by the thousands of novels on your library’s shelves and you just want to read

a good story? NoveList can help narrow your search whether you’re looking for urban fiction, Christian

fiction, Horror, Romance, or that someone who writes like your favorite author. Looking to cut back on

magazine subscriptions? Flipster provides an E-version of many popular titles and you can read the

current as well as older issues. Need to get a new laptop or desktop computer? MasterFILE lets you

search for full-text articles from many magazines including Consumer Reports.

There is so much more to be found within the AskRI site. Explore for yourself or ask for assistance.

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